Zen and Life.

Zen and life are too important to be taken gravely. Life is a cosmic theater where we should endeavor to play our essential roles significantly while not taking them too seriously. The powerful play goes on and you want to develop a verse, edit, and rewrite your own story. Your reach should exceed your grasp, so keep your feet in the mud but aim for the stars. If you only grab the moon accept it cheerfully.


The sun came up and the rooster crowed. The farmer came out of his house and feed the chickens and gathered the eggs. The rooster strutted around the yard and chased some chickens. The sun came up and the roster crowed. The farmer came out of his house and feed the chickens and gathered the eggs. The rooster strutted around the yard and chased some chickens. The sun came up and the rooster crowed. The farmer came out of his house and feed the chickens and gathered the eggs and cut off the roosters head.

Just because the sun comes up we cannot assume the day will be the same. If we repeat the same actions we will usually get the same results but one day we may get our heads chopped off. Repetition and redundancy are not growth. If we want to grow and prosper we must make changes in our day-to-day lives.



Alone is also all one.

Newton’s third law of motion is also a blueprint for how people and things react in real life. To every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.

“The motivation to explore and create usually is restrained and is wiped out by the forces within the society.”
B.F.Skinner in Walden Two.

Live a good, honorable life. Then, when you get older and think back, you’ll be able to enjoy it a second time.